Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #3

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor
As it gets to my top three it became such a close tie almost and it pained me to have o put one over another. These didnt make it easy. Here is another couple that originated in the first episode though I believe the show originally wanted the character of Mike and Brian together. The chemistry between Brian and Justin was undeniable. I have to admit Just bothered me, but he grew alot in the five seasons and a whole lot in the first season. Brian tells Justin he is going to make Justin the best homosexual he can be and I think holds true, because though I am a straigt girl I loved Justin. I loved Brian from the beginning he is my favorite character on the show and the most complex. I believed he always loved Justin but he isnt the guy to say it and some times Jstin would forget it but Brian wold show his love in the best ways. He savd Justin's life, put him through school, and gave him a place to live when he had no where to go. Justin stuck with Brian through some very unsavory moments and cancer. They were beautiful together. The show ended with them parting but I feel there was a unsaid promise that Justin would return once he had some life experiences.
Brian: "Sunshine, how did I ever get along without you?"
Justin: “You didn’t."

Justin: "I gave it some thought and decided you should take me back."
Brian: "Oh?"
Justin: "Even though I've made a few mistakes, I think you'd be making an even bigger one not giving me a second chance."
Brian: "I see."
Justin: "Cause now I understand what it is you want of me. And I know what I can expect from you."
Brian: "You also understand you'll be required to work long, hard hours -- sometimes deep into the night?"
Justin: "It would be a pleasure to work under you...Sir."
Brian: "And you're never to play violin music in my presence again."
Justin: "I promise."
Brian: "Good. Well then, you can start immediately."


  1. Hey Cinematic Queen here are my top 5:
    5} Spike & Buffy- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    4} Rose & Doctor - Dr. Who
    3} All True Blood Cupels - can't choose just one
    2} Hank & Karen - Californiacation (must watch this show!!!)
    1}Kevin & Veronica - Shameless (Showtime version)

  2. They were brilliant together. They could treat each other so horribly, but you could always tell how in love they were. I just love that somebody like Justin was able to get so far under Brian's skin.
