Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #9

#9 Michael and Maria
Michael and Maria from the show Roswell. They started out hating each other but quickly evolved into a fondness that couldnt compare. Michael had a rough outer shell and Maria could be hard to handle but together they worked and they completed what the other was looking for. I also liked how much passion they had for each other and how they fought showing that no relationship is perfect. The show was about aliens stranded on earth so at one point Michael and the other three aliens were headed home Michael chose to stay behind with Maria not even the main couple on the show did that. These two did end up together in the end which was very deserving.

Maria: I thought you were leaving
Michael: I am... but I just wanted... I dunno.
Maria: To say goodbye?
Michael: I wanted to say that this thing has been screwed up from the beginning. You and me. Us. Just the whole long, stupid story...
Maria: Thanks...
Michael: But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's meant so much to me, y'know. From day one, from the moment I kidnapped you and stole your car... I knew you were the girl for me. I never wanted anyone else... Maria: Michael...
Michael: I still don't. Just... Wherever I'm going, whatever I'm doin', just know I'll always love you.


  1. Aww, that scene sounds beautiful. I definitely see the appeal of M/M over the main couple.

  2. Maybe because they were realistic and not boring fuddy duddies!
