Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #6

Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big

For Seven years fans of Sex and the City sat and watched the roler coaster that was Carrie and Mr. Big. They met in the first episode and they would not be able to shake each other and in the final episode he flew all the way to aris to bring her back to New York City where the both of them belonged. They even had a movie for their wedding and of course I little more drama before they said their I Do. Alot of people liked Carrie with Aiden but I personally feel he never understood what made Carrie Carrie and in the end the force of Carrie and Big couldnt break. Even when he popped up in the second movie she still came home to Big and I feel always will.

Mr. Big: Would you want to get married?
Carrie Bradshaw: Well, I didn't, didn't think that was an option.
Mr. Big: What if it was an option?
Carrie Bradshaw: Why? What? Do you want to get married?
Mr. Big: I wouldn't mind being married to you. Would you mind being married to me?
Carrie Bradshaw: No, no, not, not if that's what you wanted. I mean, is, is that what you want?
Mr. Big: I want you. So, ok.
Carrie Bradshaw: So really, we're, we're getting married?
Mr. Big: We're getting married. Should we get you a diamond?
Carrie Bradshaw: No. No. Just get me a really big closet.

and(I love when he told her this)...
Mr. Big: Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.


  1. You know I never could get into that show, but from what I saw, they fit each other.

  2. The show was too girly for you thats what I think.
