Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #4

Brenda Walsh and Dylan McKay

The show lasted ten years though Brenda was there for four and Dylan was there for five but came back towards the end. In the first season these two got together very quickly and very passionately. On their first date it sort of ended with Dylan running after Brenda in the street and that moment was the least of their problems. They went through a pregnancy scare, a cancer scare, cheating, living together, Dylan's father dying, long distance, and much more but when t came down to any of their problems they ran to each other first. Even when Dylan was dating Kelly the main problem in their relationship was that Dylan relied on Brenda more than her. Brenda left the show by going to England and a year later Dylan saying he was going to live with her. Technically they never did end up together but I felt the show always made it clear they were the ones meant to be.

Brenda Walsh: The only time I ever felt that proud was when I was on stage. And it wasn't just my parents, you know, it was like a whole audience applauding me. I want it, Dylan. That's why I'm going to London.
 Dylan McKay: I understand.
Brenda Walsh: I knew you would. You always understand me. You belive in me, don't you?
Dylan McKay: Yeah. I do.
 Brenda Walsh: Dylan, I love you. I've never stopped loving you. And I know now I never will. Dylan McKay: I'll applaud you from afar.
Brenda Walsh: I want more then your applause. I won't be gone forever, Dylan. Give me something to come back to.
[they kiss]


  1. They were great together, I can't deny that. The whole Kelly thing was just ridiculous and insulting.
