Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #3

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor
As it gets to my top three it became such a close tie almost and it pained me to have o put one over another. These didnt make it easy. Here is another couple that originated in the first episode though I believe the show originally wanted the character of Mike and Brian together. The chemistry between Brian and Justin was undeniable. I have to admit Just bothered me, but he grew alot in the five seasons and a whole lot in the first season. Brian tells Justin he is going to make Justin the best homosexual he can be and I think holds true, because though I am a straigt girl I loved Justin. I loved Brian from the beginning he is my favorite character on the show and the most complex. I believed he always loved Justin but he isnt the guy to say it and some times Jstin would forget it but Brian wold show his love in the best ways. He savd Justin's life, put him through school, and gave him a place to live when he had no where to go. Justin stuck with Brian through some very unsavory moments and cancer. They were beautiful together. The show ended with them parting but I feel there was a unsaid promise that Justin would return once he had some life experiences.
Brian: "Sunshine, how did I ever get along without you?"
Justin: “You didn’t."

Justin: "I gave it some thought and decided you should take me back."
Brian: "Oh?"
Justin: "Even though I've made a few mistakes, I think you'd be making an even bigger one not giving me a second chance."
Brian: "I see."
Justin: "Cause now I understand what it is you want of me. And I know what I can expect from you."
Brian: "You also understand you'll be required to work long, hard hours -- sometimes deep into the night?"
Justin: "It would be a pleasure to work under you...Sir."
Brian: "And you're never to play violin music in my presence again."
Justin: "I promise."
Brian: "Good. Well then, you can start immediately."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #4

Brenda Walsh and Dylan McKay

The show lasted ten years though Brenda was there for four and Dylan was there for five but came back towards the end. In the first season these two got together very quickly and very passionately. On their first date it sort of ended with Dylan running after Brenda in the street and that moment was the least of their problems. They went through a pregnancy scare, a cancer scare, cheating, living together, Dylan's father dying, long distance, and much more but when t came down to any of their problems they ran to each other first. Even when Dylan was dating Kelly the main problem in their relationship was that Dylan relied on Brenda more than her. Brenda left the show by going to England and a year later Dylan saying he was going to live with her. Technically they never did end up together but I felt the show always made it clear they were the ones meant to be.

Brenda Walsh: The only time I ever felt that proud was when I was on stage. And it wasn't just my parents, you know, it was like a whole audience applauding me. I want it, Dylan. That's why I'm going to London.
 Dylan McKay: I understand.
Brenda Walsh: I knew you would. You always understand me. You belive in me, don't you?
Dylan McKay: Yeah. I do.
 Brenda Walsh: Dylan, I love you. I've never stopped loving you. And I know now I never will. Dylan McKay: I'll applaud you from afar.
Brenda Walsh: I want more then your applause. I won't be gone forever, Dylan. Give me something to come back to.
[they kiss]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #5

Angela & Jordan

From the first episode Angela loved Jordan. She was your typical highschool student and he was a not so typical teenager since he was held back and skipped constantly. He was a musician and later found ot that he was pretty much forgotten by everybody till Angela couldnt let it go. Their relationship was rocky from the beginning since they were different and from different lifestyles. The show only had one season and they split up during but by the last episode they were together.

Jordan: It's like you think you are safe or something cause you can just walk away anytime, cause you don't need her - you don't need anyone. But the thing you didn't realize is, you're wrong.
Angela: Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits into this empty place in your heart.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #6

Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big

For Seven years fans of Sex and the City sat and watched the roler coaster that was Carrie and Mr. Big. They met in the first episode and they would not be able to shake each other and in the final episode he flew all the way to aris to bring her back to New York City where the both of them belonged. They even had a movie for their wedding and of course I little more drama before they said their I Do. Alot of people liked Carrie with Aiden but I personally feel he never understood what made Carrie Carrie and in the end the force of Carrie and Big couldnt break. Even when he popped up in the second movie she still came home to Big and I feel always will.

Mr. Big: Would you want to get married?
Carrie Bradshaw: Well, I didn't, didn't think that was an option.
Mr. Big: What if it was an option?
Carrie Bradshaw: Why? What? Do you want to get married?
Mr. Big: I wouldn't mind being married to you. Would you mind being married to me?
Carrie Bradshaw: No, no, not, not if that's what you wanted. I mean, is, is that what you want?
Mr. Big: I want you. So, ok.
Carrie Bradshaw: So really, we're, we're getting married?
Mr. Big: We're getting married. Should we get you a diamond?
Carrie Bradshaw: No. No. Just get me a really big closet.

and(I love when he told her this)...
Mr. Big: Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #7

#7 Meredith Grey & Derek Shepherd

Meredith and Derek chemistry was undeniable from the first episode. She was dark and twisty and he was starting over and I always saw them as being the other missing puzzle piece. They got married last season though not legally only in a post it note but hopefully it will become official. They made the elevator romantic. Meredith didnt want saving from anything and didnt need it but Derek did anyway and I always loved that. They always knew the way to hurt each other but couldnt stay away for very long till they realized the only place they wanted to be was with each other.

Derek: Meredith...
Meredith: Where have you been?! I've been waiting and waiting for you! And I did this stupid, embarrassing, humiliating, corny thing and I was just gonna tell you that this over here is our kitchen and-- and this is our living room... And over there - that's the room where our kids could play. I had this whole thing about 'I was gonna build us a house' but I don't build houses because I'm a surgeon! And now I'm here feeling like a lame-a** loser... I got all whole and healed - And you don't show up! And now it's all ruined cos you took so long to come home! And I couldn't even find that bottle of champagne!
(Derek holds up the bottle of champagne)
Derek: (Walking towards her) This is the kitchen? Living room? Little small... But the view is much better from here. And that's the room where the kids will play? Hm... Where's our bedroom?
Meredith: I'm still mad at you. And I don't know if I trust you. I wanna trust you but I don't know if I do so I'm just gonna try, I'm gonna try and trust you. Because I believe that we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart, and I wanna be-- (Derek cuts her off by kissing her.)
(After the long awaited reunion kiss)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #8

#8  Rory Gilmore and Dean Forrester

This is one of my couple that will get alot of debate because the fandom for Gilmore Gils is divided when picking who they like Rory with. Well since day1 I have always loved thes two. Dean loved Roroy with all his heart and brought out the best in her. He never let her down or treated her poorly. If anything thing he might have love her too much. These two didnt end up together by the end of the show but Rory never ended up with anyone so Istill would like to think there is a chance. Teir chemistry was amazing and they were adorable. He was dependable and never required her to change or need her to take care of him and she loved him for who he was and wanted the best for him. Just Beautiful!

Rory: We're having one of those moments, right now.
Dean: What moment's?
Rory: One of those moment's when everything is so perfect and so wonderful that... you almost feel sad because nothing could ever be this good again.
Dean: So, basically, I'm depressing you?
 Rory: Yep.
 Dean: [chuckles] You're very weird.
Rory: And you're wonderful.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #9

#9 Michael and Maria
Michael and Maria from the show Roswell. They started out hating each other but quickly evolved into a fondness that couldnt compare. Michael had a rough outer shell and Maria could be hard to handle but together they worked and they completed what the other was looking for. I also liked how much passion they had for each other and how they fought showing that no relationship is perfect. The show was about aliens stranded on earth so at one point Michael and the other three aliens were headed home Michael chose to stay behind with Maria not even the main couple on the show did that. These two did end up together in the end which was very deserving.

Maria: I thought you were leaving
Michael: I am... but I just wanted... I dunno.
Maria: To say goodbye?
Michael: I wanted to say that this thing has been screwed up from the beginning. You and me. Us. Just the whole long, stupid story...
Maria: Thanks...
Michael: But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's meant so much to me, y'know. From day one, from the moment I kidnapped you and stole your car... I knew you were the girl for me. I never wanted anyone else... Maria: Michael...
Michael: I still don't. Just... Wherever I'm going, whatever I'm doin', just know I'll always love you.

Best Television Couples Countdown #10

Being Valentine's Day and my BFF is doing a list like this I feel I want to do one too! I will update each day and countdown till we get to my number one.

#10 - Ally McBeal and Larry Paul

Ally McBeal spent three of the five season pining for Billy just to have him die. In the forth seaon though something interesting happened an they added a new character named Larry Paul. He loved that Ally was neurotic and never made her feel like se was crazy. He also kept her on her toes. He left after the forth season do to Robert Downey Jr.'s personal problems, but he bever died in Ally's heart for the fifth and final season. Through the entire season he would be brought up and broke up the relationships Ally had in the last. When they were apart it was heart breaking and you could feel their love when they were together. They een had a sog that would often play during their love scenes that described their relationship "For Once In My Life".

   Larry: You think i’m just going to sit back and wait for you to get with the program? you might be afraid of all this, Ally, but… i’m not.
Ally: Larry, you have only seen the tip of the neurotic iceberg. i’m demented.
Larry: What else?
Ally: Self absorbed.
Larry: What else?
Ally: Vain.
Larry: What else?
Ally: Beautiful. That’s a good thing.
Larry: What else?
Ally: Maybe incapable of letting myself be loved.
Larry: Well, we’d have to work on that.
Ally: Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into? I’m afraid to trust it.
Larry: Then we need to work on that too.