Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Never Let Me Go"

Just today I went to see the movie "Never Let Me Go". A small independant movie that stars Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, and Keira Knightly. The film is three small children being raised in a boarding school for children. The school only has one purpose to keep these kids healthy and happy so once they come of age they can donate their organs to people who need them. The movie pretty much tells you this from the beginning so you think this may be a secret for the end but no. The main story line is the relationship between three people Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth. Some might even argue it is the love story of two extremely tragic characters Kathy and Tommy.

I drove for an hour to see this movie and may I say it was completely worth the drive. This movie was well made in every aspect. The one thing I think one can argue is that the pacing may be a bit slow for some. What I feel this movie does best is the delivery of emotion between the characters. Carey Mulligan plays Kathy the narrator of the story and probably the one character most aware of their fate and the sweetest. Carey Mulligan pulled you and shows the point of view from this girl and the way she portray this girls kindness makes it even more heart wrenching. Andrew Garfield plays Tommy a boy with the most naive innocence and slight temper issues. I feel this character is the most tragic. He simply wont accept what will happen to all of them till last minute and the realization that he cant stop what is about to happen Andrew without saying a word shows it all in his eyes and sells it hook line and sinker and then the scene with his scream literally brought me to tears.  

The romance between Kathy and Tommy is portrayed by Carey and Andrew with the greatest chemistry and yet a tragedy in it that I have never seen. The final role and is very vital is Ruth played by Keira Knightly. I personally feel this is her best performance she has given and I normally find her acting stale and tired , but in this she give a humanity to a character that could be easily hated. Keira shows a sadness in a charater that would rather hurt those who care most about her than be alone.

The writing in the film is simple but elagant and never once do you believe that it is forced or unbelievable. The simplicity is really refreshing when I feel today people want to fill scripts with alot of pompous dialoge to show how smart they are especially in small art house films. The cinamatography is was good as it showed this world as dreary and all in all fit the film like a glove. The make up and costumes gave the characters a look like some sort of surviors of camps and it fits with what these characters go through. Having to survive miltiple tranplants just to do it all over again and clothes that look worn out. the ending of all these characters are heartbreaking and poetic and after watching this movie and having time to fully think it over I feel this movie a piece of poetry  from word to movement. I hope many will take a chance and see this film. The music just added the last final voice to the film and was perfect I just the the song that shares the title to the film and think it just make the love between Tommy and Kathy just more gripping please play the song below to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally watching Blink as I'm reading your review. Weird. Good review. The acting was great by all three of them.
