Friday, October 8, 2010

What Matters......

       I dont understand the state of people today. Our society is what I call the throw away society. If people grow tired or dont like anything they throw it away. People as a couple as soon as it doesnt work they end it and people wonder why were at a 50% divorce rate. I mean why do people run when it gets hard? Everything now is made so quick and easy that when anything comes along that doesnt work with the slightest of ease they quit. I mean I know that there are deal breakers to any situations like beaters. Thats when you leave, but not everything is that hard. Like the people who get married for 24 hours and then it clearly wont work out. What made that person horrible a few hours later that wasnt apparent earlier.
         Then there is this need of screwing people over. In my life I have had people in a none romantic way break my heart. Decieving me or letting me down when it mattered the most because it wasnt convient for them. I consider my self to be a fiercly loyal person and I neverquite a person until the only option left is them hurting me or make me a lesser person. Then there are the people that make you move far away from people and the desert you and go back leaving you to survive on your own. Yes these moments make you a stronger in the long run, but what none sees is that it leaves scars that wont ever heal. I mean I have issues I wouldnt have if people could just be good to one another and think of others. I know everyone has issues and it is near impossible to go through life without not getting any scars. I fear where people are going sometimes because though there are still people who help but there are to many that dont. Not even help just care. Being a best friend means sticking around when it is hard not just when it is fun or your benefit. What do you think?
        I also just found out I am losing a little eight yearold girl that I have consider my light in my life since the day I held in my arms at the hospital. Though she is not my own child nor a niece, I still vowed that I would protect till the day I die. Now I dont know if I shall ever see her again. She is moving away now since her mother feels the need to leave the state. It is not in the best needs of the child to leave but the mothers. What makes this ok? I dont what I will ever do with myself without her in my life, I guess now though I may have to find out, though I wont give up without a fight.  

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