Friday, October 8, 2010

"The Social Network"

I saw this film this wednesday and now I find it to ve one of my favorite movies ever. I just want to see it again and again.
*This review may contain spoilers*

I find the film oddly hypnotic and though the movies is technically long for typical movie standards you honstly dont feel it until the movie ends and someone tells you or you find out how long you have been in the theater. The movies overall look is so normal and realistic and not glammed up or flasshy the colors are quite drab but only adds to the film not take away from it. David Fincher's directing kicked ass. Some of his decisions I thought were subtle but awesome. How many time have people gone to see a movie and when there is a scen where the characters are in a club it is remarkably silent and everyone is heard perfectly. In the film there is a scen between Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Timberlake and though you can hear them perfectly it stills seems like there are in a club. This may seem small to alot of people it is to me a major film geek a big deal. The pacing of the movie is fast though you never think it until you dont know what hit you.
The performances in this movie are remarkable. To start with Jesse Eisenberg though already known for playing a geek like guy in many of his previous film still plays a character unlike any he has played before. This part seemed so complex to me. The part you go into wanting to like. This character is after all the man who helped create facebook. The website that many of us are addicted and may have even changed or help to define a generation slightly.But the arrogance of the character just makes you annoyed and this is fully intentional. At first during the film I was beginning to swear off my facebook and not the support. Then Jesse Eisenberg I feel pulls the boat around and makes you like him again and find him a bit more understanding though it still upsets me what he did to Eduardo.

This leads me to talk about Andrew Garfield's performance in the film. He plays Eduardo Saverin, Mark Zuckerberg's best friend and first investor in facebook. He also became the business half and helped creating. Though Mark was mainly the creative half and creator I firmly believe facebook would not be here without Eduardo help. But back to the actual performane. Andrew makes this character completely likeable and I found myself on his side through out the entire film. He brings a sympathy to the character that just pulls you in.

Then finally there is finally Justin Timberlake who I feel to the general public everyone likes somewhat. In this movie I just wanted to ring his neck and that is fully intentional this not a guy you would want around mostly. He splits the team up for the most part and horns in on the website and then screws himself out of a cozy lifestyle by pulling a idiotic move. In the beginning  he is charismatic but you see the true colors in the end and Justin plays it perfectly showing the what needs to be seen at the time and place slowly showing.
As a future potential screenwriter I love the dialogue and believe it is completely believable and suits all the character like a glove. I know I went all gushy on this movie but I hope more people go to see it.

I would like to note though this is my opinion and may differ so if not constructive and intelligent comments please keep them to yourself.

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