Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dark Path(A Poem)

Dark Path
By: Natalie Alvey

Was I on the ground when you found me?
I cannot remember now or pretend to know.
It was dark an cold.
Was it night or day in disguise.

I took your hand that I know.
I did not you or your soul.
You held me close and whispered don't let go.
Did I even have a choice?

Your eyes were vast and mysterious.
Your skin scarred and smooth.
Your scent took me and threw me.
Did you know what you would do to me.

The path was dark and far from light.
But was it good or evil.
I felt smiles and their were no tears.
The breeze cleaned my skin.

Your kiss on my neck.
My hands in your hair.
The blinding dark.
The silent words said.

You never left but always changed.
Waited for goodbyes but they never came.
Your burned into my flesh.
Voice ringing in my ears.

Your hand still holds mine even now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Favorite Person Ever

Jared Leto

When taking about this certain man I get many controversial comments on what they think about them if they even know who he is. If you ask people that know me they might ask you to not discuss him because their tired of listening about him because they already know everything there is to know about him from me always talking about him. I began thinking the other day how much one person can effect you. I was about thirteen or forteen when I was first made aware of who Jared Leto was. I was up late watching television when they advertised that a show was coming to the network in reruns. The show was My So-Called Life. I had mildly heard of it before but never had the opportunity to see it and I decided to see how good it was. My first reaction to the show is that I related to the main character of Angela Chase.Then something also happened the character Jordan Cadalano was introduced my first thoughts were yes he is beautiful, but that wasnt something that would make me addicted and facsinated and I dont like how people start following people just because they might be attractive, but I did become captivated with the mystery that Angela Chase did and I know how stupid that sounds. Growing up I never really felt like I belonged or had someone I fully and truely admired and inspired me. I now feel different meeting my two best friends I have now, but that is slightly different. I feel many kids growing up want to feel heard and think that people understand. In grade school I was weird to the friends I had at the time and I kept probably my true self hidden from them thinking that maybe I was wrong. I was twelve when I finally had a friend that understood me. But when I saw My So Called Life it made me found him. I fully recognized that this is in no way his best work but it did o something important it made me Google him. Jordan's character was a forgotten child to the system and it made you want to rescue him.

Many people when I say that the most influential person in my life is Jared Leto they roll their eyes and say "Oh God" they think that it is just because of how he is attractive, but I swear I would think this man was amazing no matter what he looked. Many people dont know how much he means to my soul. His creativity seems unmatched to me and I love the ways he explores humanity through movies and music. I will first talk about his acting because that is what first made me aware of him. One of my favorite movies ever is Aexander and that always surprises people. Its length makes many people annoyed but the movie captivated me. His performane was touching and subtle playing the only man that was able to stand up to aruler of ninety pecent of the known world. The part made many upset though the character was real and it can be proven. He has never been afraid to play a character even though people might not like it. There was an interview once I watched that he liked exploring the darker side of humanity because it is less explored than the happier side. His movie include Fight Club, Requeim For A Dream, Chapter 27, Panic Room, Prefontaine, Lord of War and more.

As you can see from the pictures shown above Jared has changed his appearance many times for a role whether it be small or big. Jared consumes himself in his art so you always get the best work possible and  fimly believe he is the most underrated actor in hollywood though he probably likes it that way. He never wants people to fuss over him and he wants people to get the most out of his work. For the few who are not familiar with his work he gained a ton of weight to play John Lennon's killer and lost a ton of weight while being abstinent for Requiem for a Dream. He only picks work that he feels will be a challenge and take him to a new place.

Then there is his music. Jared has his very own band called Thirty Seconds to Mars and where many actors who also want to be musicians fail and sound awful making you embarassed. Jared can actually sing beautifully and has a powerful sound. He writes all of his own music wit some help from his brother Shannon and fellow band mate Tomo. The lyrics mainly are written by Jared and they always hold heavy meaning to him. He treats the fans with the most respect one can give and he doesnt even call the fans fans the band calls them their family. He creates a since of community and wants no one left out. He likes to explore what it means to be who you are. Also the fight people have with society and coming out on top.

Jared is also a great Director, making most of the music videos they have put out only having a few exceptions with their early work. Jared's videos cant even be called music videos they are short film with beautiful cinematography and heavy symbolism. Never will their videos seem simple and small. The Kill shows one discovering themselves with a tribute to the the movie "The Shining". Then you have Hurricane that explore people's deepest secrets and desires. Close to the edge showed what a concert for the band is like making it look epic. I have been to two concert and both times I have had a time that I could never forget. I find him to be 100 percent original and never has anyone spoke to me like him. He is himself even when people attack him and be hateful. I never seen anyone so creative and original, there is no one else like him and there probably never will be. He marches to his own beat and inspired me to find my wn. He also inspired me to follow my heart though people said I shouldnt. To him I am eternally grateful.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #1

Clark Kent and Lois Lane

Whether it be Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher or Erica Durance and Tom Welling Lois Lane and Clark Kent are meant for each other. I chose the Smallville more because of the trip they took and they had more time together. The tension between the two was palpable. The two are equals eve though one is Superman. Yes Clark Kent save Lois Lane but Lois Lane has been known to save him from villians and even himself. ois is able to have a carreer and a relationship with a man who supports her. Lois also supports Clark in all of his endeavors. Lois came to Smallville looking for Chloe and never left once she showed. She dated two other Superherooes while Clark had to get over Lana. In the end though they couldnt resist each other.
Lois: You could be a little more passionate with this whole thing. But not you, not mild-mannered
Clark Kent. Do you even care if I get this job?
Clark: Of course I care, I bought a new tie.
Lois: Oh, well I bought a whole new outfit.
Clark: Yeah, you look great.
Lois: Don't do that.
Clark: Do what?
Lois: Don't you dare reassure me right now.
Clark: Lois, I'm only doing this for you. How else am I going to get that second date?


Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Television Couples Countdown #2

Buffy and Angel

Buffy met Angel in the first episode of the first season and from that moment there was a chemisty that was undeniable. She didnt know till later in the season that he was a vampire and with her being the vampire slayer, Romeo and Juliet took on a whole new meaning. By season 2 they were hooked on each other like a drug, but with Angel's curse allowing him never to have a moment of true happiness, when they made love for the first time it caused the first issue in their relationship. Angel lost his soul and he was back to being Angelus one of the most feared and evil vampires in history. They were able to reverse it by the end of season 2 but not before Buffy had to kill for the good of the world. ecame back in season 3 and with the two not able to give the other up they came back together. Angel realizing Buffy would never have a life he thought she wanted and deserved he broke up with her and told he was leaving. This was so Angel could get his own show that took place in Los Angeles. Buffy showed up a few times in LA making it hard as always for the two to leave each other. Angel also came back to Sunnydale, even to attend Buffy's mom's funeral. I loved this episode because it showed to me the two were always soulmates even if time didnt allow them to be together. Angel showed up in the final season in one of the final episode to me proving again how much their meant to be together. I always find them to be one of the most poetically tragic beautiful couples. 

I know there is more than one but I do love them!
Angel: What are you sayin', you wanna have a date?
Buffy: No.
Angel: You don't wanna have a date?
Buffy: Who said 'date'? I-I-I never said 'date'.
Angel: Right. You just wanna have coffee or somethin'.
Buffy: Coffee?
Angel: I knew this was gonna happen.
Buffy: What? What do you think is happening?
Angel: You're sixteen years old. I'm two hundred and forty-one.
Buffy: I've done the math.
Angel: You don't know what you're doing, you don't know what you want...
Buffy: Oh. No, I, I think I do. I want out of this conversation.
Angel: Listen, if we date you and I both know one thing's gonna lead to another.
Buffy: One thing already has led to another. You think it's a little late to be reading me a warning label?
Angel: I'm just tryin' to protect you. This could get outta control.
Buffy: Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
Angel: This isn't some fairy tale. When I kiss you, you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after.
Buffy: No. When you kiss me I wanna die.

Angel: You still my girl?
Buffy: Always.
BUFFY - (looks at Angel) Because—OK, I'm cookie dough. I'm not done
baking. I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm gonna
turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the
next thing, and maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm
cookies. And then, you know, if I want someone to eat— (eyes go wide
as she catches herself) or enjoy warm, delicious cookie me,
then...that's fine. That'll be then. When I'm done.
ANGEL - Any thoughts on who might enjoy— (sighs, irritated) Do I have
to go with the cookie analogy?
BUFFY - I'm not really thinking that far ahead. That's kind of the point.
ANGEL - (hands the amulet to Buffy) I'll go start working on the
second front. Make sure I don't have to use it. (walks away)
BUFFY - (calls after him) Angel. (he turns to look at her) I do...
sometimes think that far ahead.
ANGEL - Sometimes is something. (smiles, walks away)
BUFFY - Be a long time coming. Years, if ever.
ANGEL - (shrugs) I ain't getting any older. (walks away)

Buffy(talking about Angel): I would have given up everything I had to be with him. I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life
ANGEL: Look, it's okay. I know you don't feel like it now, but you are
strong, Buffy. You're gonna figure this out. And you have people to
help you. You don't have to do this alone.
BUFFY: (looks at the sky) It's gonna be light soon.
ANGEL: I can stay in town as long as you want me.
BUFFY: How's forever? Does forever work for you?