Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I thought was the Best of 2010

I feel 2010 was a very good year for movies and here are the one I liked the most.

10.) Daybreakers

The movie starred Ethan Hawke and it is probably my favorite in regards to his movies. The movie was very original and realistice if you think about a world where vampires existed. What happens when the main population is vampires and there isnt enough blood to go around. The writing is good and the acting good. My favorite part of this movie is the cinematography. The look of the film is dark and sinister and just beautiful. I could tell the world was well visualized.

9.)  Easy A

The movie stars Emma Stone. The film is about a girl who gains a reputation for being a slut when it was just for show. I found this movie to be the funniest of the year. The humor is dry and scarcastic and very refreshing. Recently when most comedies that come out are focusing on a stupidity to the humor. This movie was well acted and I feel very smart in a teen movie coding. The writing was thought out and not dumbed down though its for a younger audience.

8.) Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 is the only animation movie on my list. The animation is good and you wouldnt expect any less from pixar and I also want to say that I am more of a fan of disney animation back in the day like all the old princess movies. That being said I have grown up with Toy Story. Andy is actually around my age and I had alot of  dolls and I often dreamed that my toys did this.  All this  leads to a point. The story and the writing is what made this movie as amazing as it is. There is more to this story than just alot of toys going on an adventure. It is about having to grow up and let things go. The characters are rich and it is just flawless. I am 21 years old and I still cry at the end. I recommend this because I feel every age can appreciate this movie.

7.) The Town

The Town is a compelling story. I believe this movie completely restores all the faith people lost in Ben Affleck. He does an amazing job directing this movie. The entire movie kept enthralled and wanting you to know what would happen next. If a movie has me talking to it like I am involved in a story I know that is a sign that it is good. Jeremy Renner is gripping in his part as Ben Affleck's best friend. His character is complex and I found it to be heartbreaking that this man thinks this way, but he makes it impossible to like him though you understand why he is this way. I know I mention story and writing alot, but I consider those two one of the must have for a good movie the third being good acting and characters. The writing is so good and the story takes you to see a whole new side to heist movies. So much more than the usual things you see in these movies.
6.) The Runaways

The Runaway was a movie that came oout earlier this year and I feel alot people may not realize was this year. The movie stars Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie. The story revolves around their famous friendship and how their roles effected the band "The Runaways". many people find to have issues with Kristen Stewart, but Kristen gives a performance that draws attention and the role is definitely out of her comfort zone. I love Joan Jett so I would be very critical and Kristen passed and even Joan Jett approved her performance. Dakota give a performance that completely shook what people conciever her to be, or how I saw her. The performances were very good. The movie for the most part sticks to actual events. The soundtrack is kick-ass and the visual aspect was gritty and kept very loyal to the rock scene.
5.)  Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go is probably the most tragic story on my list and the one that made my heart hurt the most. This movie is based off the book by the same title and the screenplay keeps very loyal to the book with a few alterations and changes. I have read the book after the movie and I feel that in most cases people should see the movie first if possible because many people see the book as better and then have high expectations. See if you like the movie first than make the judgments. The performances were beautiful by everybody in the film. My favorite was Andrew Garfield who played Tommy. I found his part to be the hardest to play. I love how he played the character with innocence that I felt mainly came through his eyes. Carrie Mulligan just proves once again she is a force with her acting ability. The cinematography seemed effortless and dreary which fit these character's story.
4.) Remember Me
This movie is probably the most controversial movie on my list and I will stand by any protesting people give. The movie stars Robert Pattinson and I think people have preconcieved notions about this movie since he is in it and I would also like to say that just because the man is in the "Twilight Saga" this does not mean he is a bad actor and that he cannot do other things. I feel also people have issues with this movie because of how it involves the two towers. None of that should matter and should not count against this movie so I feel this movie was given an unfair go. Robert Pattinson's performance was very good and believable. I know how it is to be someone lost in their life and I relate to his character. I never thought that it was a lie. The story is original and something that the audience hasnt seen a million times and has a beautiful point. The movie is about finding your importance however it might be and how you will be remembered. This movie made my heart stand still and my breathing stop. The movie is directed beautifully and looks fantastic.
3.) Black Swan

Black Swan is what I believe to be Natalie Portman's finest performace and it is also powerful. The story is very original and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Through out the movie you wonder what is going on but the director doesnt let you get lost. I was surprised by Mila Kunis playing a part the stretches her acting muscles and she succeeded in doing so. The director's vision fit the film with its realism even though the story goes a little off the rails. The movie also keeps realistic about the ballerina world and how demanding it is.
2.) Inception

Inception I found to be the most original movie of the year. The cast work together as a team and gave great individual performances. My favorite parts were with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Ellen Paige. The effects were beautiful and so amazing. The anitgravity fight was just breathtaking to watch. the story is something we have never seen before and is interesting. The plot also doesnt spoon feed you and treat the audience like infants.
1.) Social Network

Yes this movie is my number one choice for movie of the year. This movie has everything a movie should have and it did it excellent.The movie cast is just brilliant. Jesse Eisenberg in this movie has you hating them getting his side back and forth all through out this movie and the character is so different from what he usually plays. Andrew Garfield keeps you on his side and seeing his side even when you want take other peoples sides. Justin Timberlake gives a performance out of character and does it great since many people love him and he had to make people not like him and his ruthless behavior. The writing is flawless and beautiful. It was well thought out and researched. The directing was also well thought out and every little detail was planned and has a purpose. To me this movie was the most captivating of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Great choices. I loved Social Network, Inception, Black Swan (would have made my list if I had seen it before I made it) Easy A, and Daybreakers. I haven't seen Toy Story 3 on principle but I'm sure you're right about it. I might have to see The Town now.
