Monday, April 11, 2011

Dont Complain......

I just read this review of a concert for 30 Seconds to Mars. The woman was a mother of a fifth grader. She actually went to the concert for her son and didnt review the band and had no clue who her son was listening too. 30 Seconds to Mars is my favorite band as many know and Jared is my favorite person as many know, but I would never take a small child to the concert. Their concerts are rough and potentially dangerous if your not careful. Also Jared curses and at some of the recent concerts play the Hurricane video. The mother went to one of these concerts and complained. My question is who doesnt check the stuff their kid is listening to and how is it his fault that you who are not a fan of the band and are taking your kid. These concerts are designed for fans not for non-fans. I feel concerts should only be judged if your a fan of the music and band, if not your already bias. This bothers me because yet again people are judging Jared for something they have no right. People sometimes need to keep opinions to themselves if they cant understand.